Following a members-supporters vote on Loomio, The FairShares Association has entered into an agreement to co-publish The Dragons’ Apprentice with founder Rory Ridley-Duff. The association and the author will share the royality income from the new novel equally.
The Dragons’ Apprentice is a biting satire about two popular reality TV shows on business. The back cover states:
“Fast forward to 2032. In a co-operative world full of social enterprises, the BBC hires a new quartet of Dragons…
Warren is an entrepreneur who has successfully amassed billions. Unfortunately, since receiving an ASBO for anti-social investing, he has been banned from starting any new ventures. Then he receives a call from Sharon – an ambitious producer at the BBC – to ask if he would like to put his unemployed capital back to work.
Should he accept?”
At the 1st FairShares Conference, delegates were looking for innovative strategies to ‘Get FairShares Discussed Everywhere’. The idea of a novella has been discussed on Loomio for the last few weeks after Rory reshaped material written in 2012 https://valiumsedative.com/psychiatric-disorders/ (for the UN International Year of Co-operatives).
The story has an interesting twist that leads to the FairShares Model going head to head with The Working People’s Bank in the final of a TV reality show.
It is more than a short novel. There is an appendix that provides teachers and trainers with a series of questions to stimulate dialogue amongst students/trainees. There is also a section with foonotes and a bibliography to support study in a university setting.
The success of the novel now depends on members (and the wider public) ordering, reviewing and blogging about the novel. If we can get this novel into the pre-reading for co-operative and social enterprise courses, FairShares will be in the curriculum as a model for solidarity enterprises.
So, please do your bit to spread the word about the novel to spread the word about FairShares.
Where Can I Buy it?
The Dragons’ Apprentice is available in Amazon stores worldwide (both Kindle and Print versions are available).
Order your copy in the US from: https://www.createspace.com/5086110
Order your copy in the UK from: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/150308857X