On the 1st July, the FairShares Association will be launching FairShares V2.0 at its first annual conference, to be held at Sheffield Business School (UK).
At the heart of FairShares V2.0 is a set of diagnostic tools designed to meet the needs of entrepreneurs, managers, educators, consultants and researchers who want to build knowledge and understanding of multi-stakeholder co-operation and inclusive social entrepreneurship.
Try out the FairShares Social Enterprise Survey for yourself.
There are seven tools in all. Four are designed to elicit information from stakeholders about their values and principles. The three advanced tools – available only to FairShares Association supporters and members – help to monitor the application of values and principles to practice.
The Association is offering each diagnostic in two forms:
- A version for learners and educators (less demographic information)
- A version for consultants and researchers (more demographic information).
So, try out the FairShares https://valiumsedative.com/contact-us/ Social Enterprise Survey for yourself.
The shared version is free and will build knowledge about the social economy around the world. The Association can set up private versions* of each diagnostic tool so that you can tailor them to a specific context, translate them, and duplicate them for multiple courses/projects. They are the perfect companion for consultants, educators and researchers to inject new thinking into working practices.
Spread their use by sharing this e-mail on Twitter and Facebook and by forwarding it to the others in your organisation and social network. We want as many people as possible to benefit from the use of FairShares Diagnostics so that practices in the social economy are based on the knowledge and views of its members.
Best wishes
Rory Ridley-Duff
* fees apply
P.S. It is not too late to book a place at the Inaugural FairShares Conference on 1st July.
FairShares is a project of: