Maureen McCulloch Submits FairShares Proposal to ICAEW Conference on Reconstituting Capital

Maureen McCulloch, one of the association’s new members, has submitted an abstract to a conference on reconsituting capital to be hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) Conference on 17th December 2014.  Working with co-founder Rory Ridley-Duff, they have proposed a poster and workshop on aspects of reconstituing capital using the FairShares Model.  This recognises a wider range of contributions to enterprise success.  The submission follows the discovering of a sustainability group within the ICAEW  who are considering radical proposals regarding the way capital is accounted for in business and society.

As Maureen states in her submission:

“FairShares is a method of paying a return to the creators of intellectual and social capital within the enterprise and the wider network.  It looks initially like a method of financing but it is, through the mechanism of issuing shares to workers and users based on participation, a way of gradually transferring some of the control of the organisation (and of all its various capitals) to the providers of intellectual and social capital, treating them as equal to the providers of financial capital.  Furthermore, just as the providers of financial capital retain ownership of their contribution, by using Creative Commons licensing FairShares allows the contributors of intellectual capital to retain ownership of their contribution.”

This is a clever articulation of the essence of the FairShares Model and Maureen goes on to argue that while there are various initiative to understand the value of social, intellectual and natural capital, the debate is yet to move onto to finding ways to properly compensate those who provide (access to) it.

Good luck to Maureen – we hope the presentation is accepted.