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From FairShares Wiki 3.x
Revision as of 10:59, 9 May 2015 by Rory (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the FairShares Wiki V2.0

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On these pages you will find information created by founders and members of the FairShares Association about the FairShares Brand and Model (V2.0). The FairShares Model is a set of protocols, design principles and model constitutions for co-operative social enterprise development. For documentation on the FairShares Model v1.2 see our Wiki on Wikispot.

Navigation in this Wiki

What would you like to learn more about?

What's New in V2.0? (go here for a summary of the changes to V1.2)

FairShares Brand (go here for information on the underlying values and principles)

FairShares Model (go here to learn about the application of values and principles to enterprise development)

FairShares Diagnostics (go here to learn about diagnostic and auditing tools that help implement the FairShares Model)

FairShares Glossary (go here for definitions of terms in use on this website)

FairShares Association (go here to learn about the body responsible for the promotion of FairShares)

Background (go here to find out how the FairShares Model developed)

FairShares in Practice

The FairShares concept is applied to practice through the FairShares Brand and FairShares Model. This Wiki is maintained by members of the FairShares Association to assist member and public education. These technical pages provide in-depth information on the inner workings of the FairShares Model and the Model Articles of Association that put it into practice. To obtain further support, you can become a FairShares supporter and network with other supporters. If you work for, or agree a Social Licence with, the FairShares Association or Social Enterprise Europe, you will be able to apply for membership of the FairShares Association. You will then be able to talk directly to Founder members when adapting the model to specific country and industry contexts.

All FairShares enterprises are co-operative enterprises.

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Want to Help Develop This Wiki?

You can help with the costs of maintaining this Wiki by joining the FairShares Association - a global network of co-operative and social enterprise researchers, educators and practitioners advancing the FairShares Model. Here is a list of existing supporters.

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Consult the User's Guide for more on editing this Wiki.