Company Objects
From FairShares Wiki 3.x
The Company Objects are defined in Clause 5. By default these are:
- to engage in commerce that spreads wealth and power to primary stakeholders;
- to pursue trading activities that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable;
- to promote the development of social entrepreneurship;
- to advance Co-operative Values and Principles that encourage, develop and promote enterprises that support human relationships and democratic governance;
- to abide by the internationally recognised values and principles of co-operative identity as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance, in particular the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality and solidarity and the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others;
- to abide by principles of equality of opportunity and oppose forms of discrimination on the grounds of social class, race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, age, disability and religion; and
- [Other community interest / public interest objectives].
A FairShares Company or [[FairShares Co-operative|Co-operative] will normally specify additional objects that reflect its social mission.
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