FairShares Association

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The FairShares Association is a FairShares Enterprise owned by its members (see [1]).


The FairShares Association advocates vibrant communities in which adults become co-owners of the organisations on which they depend for work, consumer goods and public services. As barriers to ownership are minimised, so the values of mutuality, trust and reciprocity will take root, strengthening the community and eliminating poverty.

Members share a mission to protect and promote the FairShares Brand through the application of Co-operative Values and Principles in the development of the FairShares Model by specialist consultants, companies and co-operatives.

On Ownership

* Founder Members are the individuals whose contributions to knowledge made the FairShares Model and Brand possible (intellectual capital).
* Labour Members will be issued consultants, educators and consultancy organisations who have made an independent, permanent, lasting contribution to the FairShares Model (human and intellectual capital).
* User Shares will be issued to individuals and organisations who spread use of the model in their work and enter into a Social Licence agreement with an authorised provider of FairShares IP (social capital).
* Investor Shares are issued to members who create and contribute capital to support the development of the FairShares Brand and FairShares Model (financial capital).

On the Issue of Shares

* One Founder Share was issued to each individual founder when the Association was constituted.
* One Labour Share is issued to educators, consultants/consultancy organisations upon signing a Social Licence Agreement with the FairShares Association.  Thereafter, one Labour Share is issued for each FairShares Company / [[FairShares Co-operative" Co-operative] registered with the FairShares Association by a consultant.
* One User Share is issued to each FairShares Company / Co-operative when it is registered with the FairShares Association by their consultant.  Thereafter, User Shares are issued in proportion to the number of workforce members at each FairShares Enterprise.
* Investor Shares will be issued to User Shareholders and Labour Shareholders in accordance with the rules set out in the FairShares Articles of Association.

Membership Offers