FairShares is a brand and development model for self-governing social enterprises operating as companies, co-operatives, partnerships and associations that integrate founder, worker, user and investor interests in ventures that build social solidarity and advance sustainable development.
(The board of the FairShares Association decided the association should become dormant on 1st April 2024. They will preserve materials still in active use for a minimum of 5 years).
Future work on the FairShares Model will be taken over by two FairShares incubators registered in the UK:
Please contact them if you wish to incubate or convert to a FairShares enterprise.
The FairShares Model (FSM) is a coherent philosophy supported by curricula and development tools that enable four member groups to co‑operate during the creation, conversion and development of social enterprises. This improves governance and stewardship of natural, human, social, intellectual, manufactured and financial wealth.
Messages From Our Founders
“Intense concentrations of wealth have been caused by the private corporation. The FairShares Model of co-operative enterprise distributes surpluses equitably. It is a much‑needed part of the social economy’s infrastructure…”
Steve Wagstaff, Co-operative Group, South Yorkshire & Chesterfield

“The ability to enfranchise those who put in money, those who use an organisation and those who work for it, is hugely appealing … [it is] the future development of social enterprise and a more democratic society…”
Nicola Dickins, Co-founder of Make It Happen Consultancy
“I see FairShares as a way for every person to become a co‑owner of organisations they work for, buy from and need to secure their well-being. We have devised a new approach to sharing control …”
Rory Ridley-Duff, Professor of Co-operative Social Entrepreneurship, Sheffield Business School
“For me, FairShares emerges as a direct continuation of our original [social enterprise] movement – a bit like a ship out of the fog powered by the latest engineering – reminding us of our founding values…”
Cliff Southcombe, Managing Director, Social Enterprise Europe Ltd